NRD Poster Contest

 information about the Local level of the NRD poster contest.Deadline to have any entries submitted to UNWNRD (430 E 2nd Street Chadron) is one month from today November 19, 2015!

2015 NRD Poster ContestThe Nebraska Association of Resources Districts along with Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts provide kindergarten through twelfth grade students with an opportunity to share their thoughts about soil, water and related natural resource issues. It also highlights the educational outreach efforts of conservation districts and their state conservation associations, auxiliaries and/or agencies.ELIGIBILITYThe NRD Poster Contest is open to kindergarten through twelfth grade students.Artwork entered into the national competition must have been evaluated in a local conservation district-sponsored poster contest and a state conservation association- or state auxiliary-sponsored contest.One poster from each state may be entered in each of the following grade categories: K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12. The Nebraska Association of Resources Districts will enter posters to NACD. The state does not have to enter a poster for every grade level.Contest Theme:  “Local Heroes - Your Hardworking Pollinators"Poster size:  Any size between 8.5” x 11” and 22” x 28” will be accepted.
Thanks in advance!SD
~Sheri DanielsUNWNRD430 E. 2nd StreetChadron, NE
