Staff at Chadron Intermediate School (CIS) spent time developing our plan for helping students succeed.  Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is an approach to problem behavior Chadron Intermediate School is implementing.
Why PBiS?
Students may not be doing what you want because they aren’t sure of what you want or don’t believe that you care if they do it or not. (Sugai & Horner, 2010)  
PBIS is positive, not because there are no consequences for inappropriate behavior, but because the focus of the teacher’s work shifts from noticing and punishing inappropriate behavior to teaching and noticing desired behavior. Team members included administration, teachers, paras and parent volunteers.
Our first year we will be concentrating on Tier 1 which will be instruction for all students.
Developing a Matrix which which includes what it looks like to be Safe, Responsible, Respectful and Proud!
We receive support from the NE Dept. of Education
A Core Principle is Developing clear expectations
