August 10th, 2015

We are 10 days away from the first day of school, which means that it is time for our annual student/parent back to school meetings.  This year, in addition to the usual policy/handbook items, we will discuss the new block schedule, drop off and pick up procedures, the CMS grab and go breakfast program, and students will be able to get into the building to put school supplies in their lockers.
I have schedule three grade level meetings, but feel free to attend the meeting that best fits your schedule.  The 6th-8th grade meetings are virtually identical in terms of content that will be covered. However, the 5th grade meeting is geared towards out new 5th grade students and the program will be a little different.
*All three meetings will be at 5:30 in the Middle School Gym:August 11th - 6th grade August 12th - 7th and 8th gradeAugust 13th - 5th grade
Parents, please bring your student(s) to the meeting with you so they can put school supplies in their lockers. On the first day of school the entire student body will meet in the gym for an all school assembly before going to class.  Students will not be allowed in the academic building before school. If you are unable to attend the meetings, students may drop off school supplies in their lockers during the week of August 10th.
If you are unable to attend one of the meetings, please feel free to email, call or drop by the office to ask me questions.  I'm excited for the start of the school year and I can't wait to see all of our students!
Nick DresselChadron Middle Principal308-432-0708[email protected]

Mr. Dressel