Chadron Primary School
732 Ann StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0710
(308) 432-6985
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
8:00AM - 3:15PM
1:30 Dismissal
8:00AM - 1:30PM
Noon Dismissal
Please remember that this Friday (1/20) we will have a 12:00 p.m. dismissal. We do NOT have Just For Kids afterschool programming on Fridays and our teachers have meetings to attend early so please pick your children up promptly. Because of the earlier dismissal we also have an altered lunch schedule:
1st Grade: 10:30-11:00 a.m.
Kindergarten: 11:00-11:30 a.m.
2nd Grade: 11:30-11:57 a.m.
Perfect Attendance
These students had Perfect Attendance for the entire 1st Semester of school. Thank you to all of the families that make this possible. Being in school and on time is so important for student growth and learning and these students have proven that. Congratulations on a job well done kiddos, keep up the good work!
Health Screenings
2016-2017 Chadron Public SchoolsHealth ScreeningsDear Parents/Guardians:
See you soon!
Just a reminder that school starts for students Thursday, January 5, 2017. There will not be any Just For Kids after school programming Thursday or Friday (1/5 or 1/6). JFK will resume Monday, January 9, 2017. We are looking forward to seeing you all again and until then, stay warm and safe.
Shop with a Cop
Many times the work of others goes unnoticed... our Chadron Police Department deserves to be recognized for the work they do behind the scenes. Our officers have supported our schools in many ways; and one of my favorites is their Shop with a Cop program. Every year our Police Department is given a quite extensive list of names of students who may need a little extra love during the holidays. This program is funded through generous donations from staff members at Chadron Public Schools along with community members.
Reader's Theater
The Second Grade Students performed their Reader's Theater to Kindergarten Students Wednesday morning and did a wonderful job. We had a school-wide pajama day and the students were all excited to perform and listen to the plays. Mrs. Kaus and Mrs. Smith in the library have been working with the second grade classes and it was so exciting to see their hard work turn out so well.
Chadron Primary Food Drive
Chadron Primary School would like to send a HUGE thank you to all of our families that helped contribute to our Food Drive. In lieu of presents to one another, our teachers asked students to bring canned goods we could take to the local food pantry. On Tuesday we were able to deliver the food to the church. Our students were given a tour of the food pantry and able to talk to Mrs. Dagen about how many people these wonderful donations help out year round. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your donations!
Cardinals of the Month - December
Once again we had some incredible students selected as Cardinals of the Month! They continue to exhibit our Cardinal Rules and we are so proud of them! We enjoyed breakfast in the teachers' lounge before classes started Tuesday morning and we all want to congratulate the students on a job well done.
Breakfast with Mrs. Uhing
Mrs. Smith's 7th Grade Readers visit Chadron Primary
This week Mrs. Smith brought her 7th grade students to Chadron Primary so they could share some Ebooks with our Kindergarten classes. The students were quite excited about having the middle school students come read and the teachers enjoy seeing their former students excel. Thank you so very much Mrs. Smith for bringing your students over.
SNOW DAY!! (12/16)
Due to the weather forecast, there will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow (12/16). Stay warm and safe - see you Monday!
Holiday Meal
- On Wednesday, December 21st we will be hosting our Holiday Meal in the lunchroom. A bright green sheet was sent home earlier this week - please return this (along with your money) if you are planning to attend. Parents and other family members are welcome to come and eat with their child. Guest meals are $3.40 each (for all ages). Please make arrangements at the office for payment prior to the meal. RSVP no later than MONDAY 12-12-16. Times for lunches will be different during the Holiday Meal in order to accommodate our guests:
Cardinals of the Month - November
Once again we honored our Cardinals of the Month for November with breakfast in the teachers' lounge. We are so proud of our students and how well they follow our Cardinal Rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible. Thank you for the continued support from families and when you see these little birds outside of the nest congratulate them on a job well done!
Lucky Primary Family
I am one of the "Lucky Ones" who truly enjoys going to work every day... I am surrounded by amazing adults and little people that help make me a better person and the world a better place. Not every day is full of unicorns and rainbows and during the holiday rush it is often easy to get caught up in the business of life; however, walking into the Primary Building today, I was reminded of how blessed we are. Every adult and child was greeted by randomly placed sticky notes left as positive affirmations.
Newest Member of the Primary Family
I would like to introduce everyone to the newest member to the Chadron Primary Family.... Seymour Goodthings. He is very excited to catch our smallest of Cardinals doing great things here in the "nest" and following our Cardinal Rules. Keep your eyes out for Seymour and continue making good choices.
Seymour had to check out Mrs. Uhing's office before making his way to another spot in the Primary Building
Kids Caring at Christmas Project
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Dawes County Courthouse Tree Decorating
Chadron Primary School students were invited to the Dawes County Courthouse to decorate the tree in the main entry way for the annual Parade of Lights. Students enjoyed the beautiful November weather as we walked to the courthouse and the children put their hand made ornaments on the tree. Students were also treated to a candy cane for the return trip to school. Thank you to the staff at the courthouse; if you are out and about here in town, please stop by the courthouse and take a look at the work of our talented students. Happy Holidays!
On the Lookout for Lego Bricks
Chadron Primary School and our Parent Involvement group is on the lookout for Lego Bricks... The group is planning a Penny Carnival set for February 17, 2017 and as a part of the games and activities we are seeking new or gently used Lego bricks. If you would like to purchase and or donate any Lego bricks you can send them with your child or drop them off at the Chadron Primary School Office. We will be accepting any Lego brick donations from now until the date of the Penny Carnival.
Parent Involvement Meeting
We would like to invite everyone to a Parent Involvement Meeting Thursday, November 17th at 5:00 p.m. Our parent group is excited to continue work on planning our Penny Carnival. We have established some committees to assist in the organization of the Penny Carnival and would love to have any other families join in the fun! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday night in the Chadron Primary Library.
Lead Poisoning Alert
As a part of a community health initiative, the nursing class at the University of Nebraska Medical Center - College of Nursing is partnering with the Panhandle Public Health District and Scottsbluff County Health Department to raise awareness about the hazards of lead poisoning in young children. Following are some resources that help promote the health and wellness of children. Please check out the resources below and share with others to enhance awareness about the hazards of lead poisoning in young children.