Chadron Primary School
732 Ann StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0710
(308) 432-6985
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
8:00AM - 3:15PM
1:30 Dismissal
8:00AM - 1:30PM
Chadron Primary School Announcement
Dear Parents,
Color Contest Winner
First Grader Aubrey Thies was a contest winner for the N.W.C.T.U. Her coloring page was entered both regionally and nationally and Aubrey was presented her winning check from June Ballard. Congratulations Aubrey!
Elmo Eagle Visits Chadron Primary School
Elmo Eagle from Chadron State College made a visit to Chadron Primary School last Friday and the students were thrilled! Elmo was here to promote his coloring contest for the Chadron State Homecoming. Students were presenting with a coloring sheet and the details and it was explained that the winning students' pictures that are chosen by a committee will have the chance to ride on the Homecoming Parade float with Elmo; only students in grades K-4 are eligible for the coloring contest. We are excited to partner with Chadron State College ~ Roll Birds!!
Eagle Effort Award
This past weekend students from Chadron Primary, Chadron Intermediate, and Chadron Middle Schools were honored by the Chadron State Football Team. The Eagle football team believes that winning in the classroom is just as important as winning on the field. The students were chosen by teachers because they demonstrated EAGLE EFFORT inside the classroom by working hard, helping peers, and setting a great example for others.
Mrs. Dunbar's Class Has FUN Practicing Letter Writing!
Mrs. Dunbar's class took writing letters to another level by using fingers to write in shaving cream! The students had so much fun navigating smoothing the shaving cream around and writing the letters correctly. Their favorite part was erasing and starting again ~ what FUN Kindergarten is!!
Chadron Primary School Shirts for Sale
Chadron Primary School shirts are available to order once again. Please be on the lookout for the order form sent home with your child:
Book Donation to Chadron Primary School
This summer Chadron Primary School Principal Libby Mack was able to meet Amy Klein illustrator to several books. Mrs. Klein was in town during Fur Trade Days visiting family and was so kind to donate books to both Chadron Primary School and the Chadron Public Library. We are so grateful Amy thought of our students and school and look forward to allowing students to check out these great reads! Thank You Mrs. Klein!
American Legion Auxiliary Donates "Give 10 to Education" to Chadron Primary School
Chadron Primary School would like to thank the Chadron American Legion Auxiliary for their donation to help students with supplies. The Bill Dowling Unit No. 12 was able to "Give 10 to Education" and help students with much needed support. We are so fortunate to have this group of caring, supportive individuals come together in support of our schools - THANK YOU!
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back to the 2021-2022 school year at Chadron Primary School! Click on the link below for updates to the start of the school year.
Chadron Primary School
Chadron Primary School hosted our first two weeks of Summer Enrichment and what a success!! Our students really enjoyed the experiences our teachers created and we celebrated with making bubbles and a pizza/ice cream party. These students will join us again the first week of August to prepare for the upcoming school year. A HUGE thank you to our teachers, Mrs. Landreth, Mrs. Bounous, and Mrs.
Readers' Theater
Some of our second grade friends presented a Readers' Theater and what a delight!! They presented the Life Cycle of a Flower and did an AMAZING job! They have worked so hard all year to develop some great reading skills and were able to showcase all of their talents. Keep on reading over the summer and know we are so PROUD of you!