Chadron High School
901 Cedar StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0707
(308) 432-0723
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
7:50AM - 3:15PM
1:30 Dismissal
7:50AM - 1:30PM
FBLA Qualifies Two for Nationals!
The Chadron High Future Business Leaders of America attended the annual State Leadership Conference in Kearney, NE on April 11-13. To start the conference, students were motivated as they listened to the keynote speaker, John Beede and attended a variety of workshops. But most importantly, Chadron students competed amongst all class levels in many different business competitions. This conference was attended by over 2,000 students and advisors this year. Although Chadron FBLA traveled only 13 members to the state competition this year, they brought home several honors.
Morgan Repeats as State FCCLA Champion!
Chadron FCCLA had a great State Leadership Conference with all 4 students competing and qualifying for nationals! The results are as follows:
FFA Team Wins State Contest!
27 members competed last week in Lincoln in 14 different contests with over 7,500 attending.
STATE CHAMPIONS! Agribusiness Management Team competed against 96 other teams. Gabe Tidyman 2nd, Jace Lien 7th, Bryson Bickel & Jadyn Tidyman tied for 17th out of 377 students.
State Runner-Up! Ag Mechanics Team competed against 58 other teams. Cody Kahl 3rd, Conner Diers 21st out of 232 students. Other team members include Jack Price and Matt Lien.
Early Dismissal on April 11th - HS Annual Testing Day
As done in years past, Chadron High School will have an early dismissal on April 11th to accommodate for our day of testing. Students will have lunch available by 12:30 and are dismissed for the afternoon at the lunch break. We will have some students completing tests after the lunch break due to unlimited time on tests and accommodated testing for some students.
Make-Up testing has been scheduled which includes: April 18 - ACT, April 23-24 for freshman MAP.
Activity practices will begin at normal scheduled times.
Student Schedule - April 11th
2024 Summer Driver Education - July 15-18
Chadron Driver Education
2024 Chadron Brochure
Register online
Classes will be held at Chadron:
Classes: July 15-18 | 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 12:30pm to 2:30
(Must attend both times)
A&P Students Disect Sheep Brain
(Submitted by CHS Sophomore, Brooklynn Hoffman)
Anatomy and Physiology Brain Dissection
Steps To College - recorded session
If you missed the Steps to College Informational Session at parent-teacher conferences and are interested in quality information on how to plan, apply, and pay for college and how CHS specifically helps students transition after high school here is the pre-recorded session!
Free Virtual K-12 Tutoring Program
Nebraska SMART has developed a temporary website, which allows parents to create an account and register their students for tutoring.
Nebraska SMART is a free virtual tutoring program for students in grades K-12. Teacher education candidates from Chadron State, Peru State, and Wayne State Colleges remotely tutor students in Educational Service Units 1, 4, and 13 through an online tutoring platform. This program is made possible by a Nebraska Department of Education grant awarded to the Nebraska State College System to launch a rural tutoring program.
Best of the West Business Competition
Chadron FBLA participated in the seventh annual Best of the West Business competition on January 31, 2024 at Chadron State College. Students participated in several business tests and job interviews. Chadron had 17 students attend the competition.
Demaris Kelso - 2nd Place in Job Interview
Billy Hy - 3rd Place in Business Calculations
FCCLA - Baking for Birthdays
The Chadron FCCLA chapter has been working on a community service project throughout the school year called “Baking for Birthdays”. At the beginning of the school year, primary and intermediate teachers were asked to communicate with our chapter through a form telling us if they had students in their class they felt needed some extra help in celebrating their birthdays within their classroom. Their responses included how many cupcakes they would need, what flavor they would like and left the rest up to the chapter.